Kety well in Poland disappoints San Leon
Kety well in Poland disappoints San Leon
DUBLIN, Ireland -- San Leon has announced that the gas encountered in the Kety exploration well is considered uncommercial following testing. The well has reached a total depth of 705 m MDBRT (measured depth below rotary table) and will be plugged and abandoned.
The Kety well, which is on the Bestwina concession in Karpaty, Poland, was targeting gas in the Miocene sandstone. It is apparent that several sandstones exist within the target depths, but an overlying fault appears to have compromised the seal, resulting in low gas saturations.
Open-hole well testing was performed on three intervals, with only minor gas production. The cost of open-hole testing was around $18,000 (€150,000) gross.
The rig will now move to the second well in the three well drilling program, the Gieraltowice prospect on the Bielsko-Biala concession in Karpaty, targeting 4 Bcf of mid-case recoverable gas in two target reservoirs, the Upper Carboniferous sandstone being the primary target, with the Lower Carboniferous limestone as a secondary target.
San Leon Energy holds 60% and is operator of both concessions, with PGNiG holding the remaining 40%.