EV launches Integrated Video Caliper technology

September 25, 2014

EV launches Integrated Video Caliper technology

ABERDEEN – United Kingdom -- EV, a specialist in downhole video technology, has launched its IVC (Integrated Video Caliper) product to the well intervention market, which provides real-time answers to well integrity issues.

Following two years of development and extensive field trials in Canada, the technology has been launched globally. IVC integrates market leading qualitative and quantitative sensors in a single electric line tool string to enable oil and gas operators to diagnose issues in the well instantaneously.

IVC is based around EV’s proprietary telemetry, which transmits data at up to speeds of 300 kbps on a mono-conductor electric line, more than three times that of industry standard systems. Using the high data rate capability, EV joins streaming color video with multi-finger caliper measurements to deliver a true diagnosis tool. 

While running in the well, EV’s Optis HD e-line camera provides an overview of the well jewellery and features.  Both downview and sideview color cameras stream video at up to 25 frames per second, making it preferable for assessing corrosion in pitting and holes. 

Once at the bottom of the completion, the 24 arm multifinger caliper is opened to provide a quantitative assessment in tubulars from 2 3/8 in. to 7 in. 

“At a logging speed of 10 meters per minute, IVC has an industry leading consistent vertical resolution of 3 mm. When utilised, the product plays a vital role in the diagnosis of global assets meaning clients can identify and repair problems quickly, saving time, money and reducing risk in the recovery of assets,” Francis Neill, EV Chief Executive, said.

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