Wintershall ceases activities in Qatar due to uneconomic conditions
KASSEL, Germany -- Wintershall is ceasing its activities in Qatar and is returning Block 4 North, near the North field off the Qatari coast, on May 25. Wintershall’s office in Doha will be closed.
In 2013, Wintershall made the Al Radeef gas discovery off the cost of Qatar. However, economic development of the discovery is not feasible under local conditions.
“During the development planning, it was always clear to us and our partners that an economic development of the discovery, including the processing of the gas, would only be possible if we have access to local infrastructure. This access was not granted. That is why we have decided to take this step,” Wintershall Board Member Martin Bachmann, who is responsible for exploration and production in Europe and the Middle East, said.
Further activities in the Middle East region are not affected by the withdrawal from Qatar. The current focus of Wintershall is on the UAE.
“We are also closely following the developments in other countries in the region,” said Bachmann. “The challenges in the region are increasing with local energy consumption growing rapidly. In order to maintain production in the long term, fields must be exploited more efficiently, and technically more complex fields need to be developed.”
Wintershall has considerable experience in deploying enhanced oil recovery technology, which is used to increase the yield from complex reservoirs, especially in mature fields in Germany and Europe.
“In combination with modern exploration techniques, it is precisely this experience that we want to increasingly utilize in the Middle East region,” added Bachmann.