Oil & Gas UK launches video celebrating 50 years of UKCS activity

June 19, 2015

ABERDEEN, United Kingdom -- Oil & Gas UK’s annual conference, which focused on the next 40 years of the offshore industry and attracted more than 500 people, featured the launch of an animation celebrating the sector’s achievements to date.

The short infographic celebrates 50 years of exploration for oil and gas on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) and the production that has been achieved over four decades. It gives a snapshot history of oil and gas development in the UK; highlights the sector’s significant contribution to British jobs, skills, technology and energy security; and underlines the industry’s potential to remain a driving force in Britain’s economy for decades to come.

At the launch of the animation to delegates, Oil & Gas UK’s chief executive, Deirdre Michie, said, “As we grapple with the very real issues that our industry faces today, 2015 also marks a major anniversary, 50 years, half a century, since we found the first gas in the North Sea (oil was found some years later in 1969). We wanted to acknowledge this moment and the journey we have been on and to reinforce the contribution that the industry has made over all these years.”

Closing the conference on Thursday, Michie said, “The objective of this conference was to bring us together, recognize the challenges that face this industry and focus us on the way ahead. From the feedback I’ve had, I know there is now a better understanding of these challenges and how to meet them. And, that as an industry, we are committed to resolving them.”

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