Veolia selected by Dolphin Energy for Qatar industrial water management project

August 05, 2015

BILBAO, Spain -- Veolia Water Technologies will engineer, procure and deliver an industrial wastewater management system including its proven HPD evaporators used for KHI removal and distillate recovery at Dolphin Energy’s natural gas production and processing facilities in Ras Laffan, Qatar.

The current project is a culmination of multiple years of development between Veolia and Dolphin Energy Limited. In 2012, Dolphin Energy awarded Veolia a research and development study to evaluate a wide range of water treatment technologies for treating produced water that contains Kinetic Hydrate Inhibitor (KHI). Dolphin Energy’s initiative was prompted by a move to eliminate discharge to KHI wastewaters from their onshore gas processing facility in Qatar.

Through its research and development study, Veolia identified evaporation as a feasible process to treat KHI laden wastewaters and generate a recovered water stream free of KHI. Soon after the study results were reported, Dolphin Energy initiated a Tender Process for supply of the industrial system to treat their KHI wastewaters at Ras Laffan Industrial City. In April 2015, after nearly three years of collaborative interactions, Veolia won the competitive bid to supply the industrial solution.

Veolia’s system will be divided into two steps of evaporation: the first step is driven through Mechanical Vapour Recompression (MVR) and the second step driven through Low-Pressure (LP) steam. For both steps, forced circulation technology was selected due to the viscous nature of the concentrated organic wastewater. In order to further enhance the process distillate quality, vapour washers will also be included at the MVR.

The plant will have a capacity of 40 m3/hr and start-up is scheduled in September of 2017. Dolphin Energy´s onshore gas facility will rely on the high mechanical availability of Veolia´s system to maintain gas extraction operations during KHI injection (seasonally November through May of each year).

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