Who Dat East exploration drilling campaign offshore Gulf of Mexico progresses positively

June 11, 2024

(WO) – Karoon Energy reported that the Who Dat East exploration/appraisal well, MC 509-1 (LLOG), has reached 6,614 m Measured Depth (MD) in the 12-¼” hole section.

Noble Valiant drillship

Intermediate wireline logging was completed prior to setting 9-⅞” casing, and the well will drill ahead in 8-½” hole to a planned final TD of 7,900 m.

The borehole angle through the 12-¼" hole section is approximately 45 degrees. ‘Logging While Drilling’ (LWD) and wireline logging data have indicated that several oil-and-gas-bearing sandstones have been encountered within the targeted Middle Miocene turbidite sequences. 

Interpretation of this data indicates a hydrocarbon bearing aggregate total Net Pay thickness of 44 m MD within the targeted intervals, with 31 m MD within two discrete reservoir units.

Net Pay porosities average 25% and correspondingly good permeabilities of between 300mD to >1,000mD are indicated. A gas condensate hydrocarbon fluid type has been interpreted, as prognosed for this well.

Wireline logging data, reservoir fluid samples and other geoscience data will be subject to laboratory analyses and further studies to determine the resource potential of the hydrocarbon zones encountered to date. 

The forward plan is to complete running 9-⅞” casing before drilling to the planned Total Depth of approximately 7,900 m MD, to test the remaining targets. 

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Dr Julian Fowles, said, “Preliminary interpretation of the well data from the Who Dat East exploration/appraisal well is positive. The early results indicate potential for a continuous hydrocarbon phase in a number of high-quality sands correlated to the nearby MC-509 Exxon #1 exploration well.

“Once the remaining targets have been drilled and final TD logging completed, we shall be in a better position to evaluate any potential impact on hydrocarbon volumetrics at Who Dat East, with a view to determining the commerciality of a potential development.

“Furthermore, this early success at Who Dat East supports our belief that there is exploration upside potential that can be unlocked surrounding Who Dat. Once drilling is complete, the well will be suspended as a potential future producer, pending the results of further analysis.” 

Background. The Who Dat East well, located in MC 509-1 lease area, is 27 km east of the Who Dat Floating Production System (FPS), in a water depth of approximately 1,300 m. Pre-drill estimates for Who Dat East are 5.4 MMboe of 2C Contingent Resources and 10.7 MMboe of unrisked 2U Prospective Resources.

The aggregate geological probability of success was estimated to be 62%. Future Contingent and Prospective Resource estimates may vary depending on the laboratory analyses and further studies that will be undertaken.

The Who Dat East Joint Venture participants include LLOG (operator, 40%), Karoon (40%), and Westlawn (20%).

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