Sky Quarry completes CapEx program for its flagship hydrocarbons extraction site
Sky Quarry today announced the successful completion of its 2024 capital expenditure program for PR Spring. This milestone advances Sky Quarry toward completing and commissioning its cornerstone facility, which will play a pivotal role in its waste-to-energy mission.
Capable of processing up to 1 million tons of asphalt shingle waste annually, PR Spring has a designed capacity to produce up to 2,000 barrels of oil per (bopd). The facility will extract oil from both waste asphalt shingles and hydrocarbon resources within its permitted mineral leases on-site. Once retrofitting is completed, the facility is expected to be commissioned in 2025, making it the largest of its kind.
Sky Quarry has invested a total of $7 million, with the majority of this effort focused on procuring critical equipment and collaborating with engineering partners to advance the facility’s retrofit. Built at a cost of $54 million under previous ownership, the facility sits on nearly 6,000 acres of land and holds an estimated 180 million barrels of hydrocarbon resources.
Once commissioned, Sky Quarry expects the PR Spring facility to be a key driver in their fully integrated process, from extraction to refining, acting as the central hub that connects their upstream and downstream operations to ensure a reliable supply of base-blending liquid asphalt for their waste-to-energy initiatives.