
March 28, 2024
Libya holds Africa’s largest crude reserves, but over a decade of political strife has taken its toll. Production that reached almost 1.8 MMbpd in 2008 slumped to some 100,000 bpd following the killing of Moammar Al Qaddafi in 2011’s civil war. Volatile ever since, it’s currently at about 1.2 MMbpd.
February 26, 2024
Shipments from the Wafa oil field, which produces 40,000 to 45,000 bpd, are back up after being halted on Sunday as guards at the facilities demanded better pay, according to a person familiar with the operations.
January 22, 2024
Production at Sharara, which previously pumped about 270,000 bpd, will resume and force majeure, a clause in contracts allowing deliveries to be suspended, will be lifted, the OPEC country’s state-run National Oil Corp. said in a statement.
January 03, 2024
A group of people had entered the field in 20 vehicles, demanding jobs, services and a new refinery, according to a letter signed by a board member at the state company.
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