
World Oil webcasts and webinars are in-depth presentations on oil and gas applications, trends and technology. Moderated by a World Oil editor and including technical experts, these events are focused on providing qualified engineers and professionals in the upstream oil and gas industry with the latest information pertaining to offshore and onshore exploring, drilling, completions and production.

Flaring Elimination and Emissions Reduction

June 29, 2021
Sponsored by: Aggreko
Flaring and emissions reduction are two areas that are generating a continued strong interest across the industry. Join us as we take a closer look at proven, innovative methods to eliminate flaring and reduce emissions that can be deployed in a matter of weeks. We address some of the perceived barriers and explore alternative, engineered approaches you can adopt to help you eliminate 100% of methane, reduce NOX emissions by up to 96% and VOC emissions by up to 47%. This session will cover: The four main flare gas to power tactics • Emerging tactics - flare gas to Bitcoin Mining • Other emissions reduction strategies • Meeting emissions standards via Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) • Incorporating CHP A leading global player and safety leader in this market, Aggreko has more than 1 GW of installed power capacity for projects using APG as their fuel - totalling more than 180 customer projects in every corner of the world.

Operational Excellence with Edge Computing for Oil & Gas

June 22, 2021
Sponsored by: Stratus Technology
Oil and Gas companies are investing in applications to analyze data in real-time and improve the business performance. That investment involves computing platforms that are reliable in harsh environments where oil and gas assets exist. Streamline Innovations will share their application of advanced technology and how they are enabling clients to meet environmental objectives. Hear from Peter Photos, Streamline Innovations and Corie Allemand, Stratus Technologies on digital initiatives that increase efficiency, safety, and profitability. Join us for a discussion on: -Streamline Innovations use of advanced applications -ROI of Edge Computing for Streamline -Redundancy and virtualization in Edge Computing

How to make your offshore operations cyber secure and reliable

June 15, 2021
Sponsored by: Siemens Energy
Modern offshore operations are highly complex, generating tens of thousands of data points and transmitting them to onshore control centers across multiple types of networks. Offshore facilities also include technologies from many suppliers that interface with the main process control system, each with their own cybersecurity profile. Mature, proven control systems are often selected but require interfaces to new technologies. In this heterogeneous environment that combines old and new, understanding what's on the network can be a significant challenge. Similarly, tracking and managing patches, obsolescence, antivirus, and hardening profiles multiplies in complexity. Many IT offerings do not contemplate these environments so the industry is turning to customized OT cybersecurity products. Register for this free webinar and you will learn - Why cybersecurity is a critical consideration when implementing a de-manning strategy What are the current technologies that are being used in offshore digitalization and threat profiles How to reduce cybersecurity risk for offshore operations

Agile Subsea Production Systems – Optimize Investment. Maximize Returns.

June 09, 2021
Sponsored by: OneSubsea
Historically, the subsea development workflow was sequential, fragmented, and not adaptive to change. That has made it difficult, time consuming, and expensive to manage the changes that are inevitable in the energy industry. OneSubsea Agile Subsea Production Systems—Agile SPS—enhance subsea performance from appraisal through abandonment to mitigate the dynamic risks associated with subsea production system selection, configuration, delivery, and production. And, regardless of your basin’s status, development phase, or current infrastructure, Agile SPS bring optimized performance through its life of field configurability. Agile SPS adapt to dynamic field conditions for the life of the field incorporating a standard platform that starts with a common core and adapts to your requirements with numerous fit-for-purpose functional modules that address technical challenges without affecting the core performance. Discover how Agile SPS offer you the responsiveness, functionality, and certainty that you need to strengthen your business case and optimize economic viability in your basin.

Intelligent Pipe Solution – Monitoring Your Well From the Inside

June 08, 2021
Sponsored by: Vallourec
Well integrity to prevent catastrophic damage has always been a key focus of the Oil and Gas industry and operators continuously work to reinforce it. Today, well integrity data available throughout the life of the well remains limited. Our Intelligent Pipe solution brings operators a new tool to better understand and monitor their wells. Our solution integrates an innovative pressure and temperature sensor based on MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) technology directly on the pipes which allow operators to access previously inaccessible areas in the well in real time. The webcast will present this innovative intelligent tube solution based on the expertise of two recognized companies, Vallourec and OpenField. This approach is new and, leveraging the latest IoT technologies, opens a new era for easier and optimized data-based Oil and Gas well monitoring.
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